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Count on EAFLA: Mercedes Medina’s Story

October 15, 2020

Count on EAFLA: Mercedes Medina’s Story

During this time of uncertainty there’s one thing that is certain, and it’s that Mercedes Medina can count on Epilepsy Alliance Florida for her continued medical services and access to medications without skipping a beat.

Mercedes journey with Epilepsy Alliance Florida begins in early June 2014 but her life long battle with this condition started way before that. Mercedes was diagnosed with absence seizures at the age of 2 in her home country of Nicaragua. Her entire life she has had uncontrollable seizures and eventually was diagnosed with intractable complex partial seizures. She reports to have had anywhere from 3-4 seizures a month and thus impaired her from continuing her education.

As Mercedes matured she came to the realization that she could no longer live in Nicaragua with the lack of medical attention she desperately needed. So, she migrated to the US in search of quality treatment and care. That is when she was introduced to Epilepsy Alliance Florida. Immediately she was provided with world renowned Epileptologist and a treatment plan, complete with all the medications that have controlled her seizures for the past 6 years.

During her time here, Mercedes states that she has been able to build a family and a better life for herself giving her children the opportunities that she never had back home. With her controlled seizures Mercedes is now able to sustain a job, care for herself and her 3 children and has even learned English. All due to the continued support and assistance offered by Epilepsy Alliance Florida and their staff.

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