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Gilanny Amaya | Faces of Epilepsy

March 7, 2017

Gilanny Amaya | Faces of Epilepsy

When I first came to the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, I definitely didn’t know what I had, at all. I also didn’t have any help to find out. The Epilepsy Foundation of Florida greatly helped with all of those conundrums mentioned. Also, to get mental help with Support Groups has connected me to other individuals like me, people who understand.

My mother was really the first to discover EFOF and the assistance EFOF could provide. She was looking for help because of our move from South Florida, and I lost my insurance. She overheard the foundation being discussed in the doctor’s office and researched it online.

I’ve enjoyed participating in the EFOF monthly Support Group Meetings, as well as volunteering at walks. It makes me feel great as an artist, when I am the one looked for. I’ve also felt great finding friends that have things in common with me, other than epilepsy. Still friends that know how to relate and can help each other.

EFOF services have made a difference because through them I have made friends, been educated in triggers and other related topics to my seizures, found doctors and attorneys. Also being able to speak to my case manager about how I am feeling and my worries has really helped. I appreciate her taking the time to listen and not just shutting me up.

The services that are provided by EFOF have greatly increased my communication skills, by helping me to break out of my shell and to help me become more comfortable speaking with others (out in the community) about epilepsy. I plan to continue with these services in the future.

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