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Happy Toddler: Reef’s Story

Happy Toddler: Reef’s Story

December 8, 2021 11:29 am

Meet Reef, an adorable 3-year-old boy with three brothers. Reef's life took an unexpected turn when he started experiencing over 200 seizures a day at…

The Pandemic Isn’t Over

The Pandemic Isn’t Over

November 30, 2021 1:35 pm

A recent Sun Sentinel article, These are the COVID-19 signs Floridians need to watch out for this winter, highlighted the importance of COVID-19 testing to help prevent…

My Voice Matters: Karmen Cummings

My Voice Matters: Karmen Cummings

October 27, 2021 10:54 am

My Voice Matters This is Karmen Cummings. She has been a client with Epilepsy Alliance Florida since 2007. Karmen Cummings like many had no idea…

Turning the Corner: Chelsea’s Story

Turning the Corner: Chelsea’s Story

September 8, 2021 4:26 pm

When Chelsea was about 18 years old when she started drinking and partying. She was at her grandparents’ house one night and started having nocturnal…

Managing Acute Seizures

Managing Acute Seizures

August 26, 2021 7:11 pm

Managing Acute Seizures: New Rescue Delivery Option and Resources to Assist School Nurses Full article

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