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Thank God I Found EAFLA: Martin Latino’s Story

November 17, 2021

Thank God I Found EAFLA: Martin Latino’s Story

Thank God I found them!

My name is Martin Latino. I experienced febrile convulsions as a child, which I believe were triggered by the MMR shot I received at a young age. As I grew older, I started having seizures without fever, and at the age of 10, I was diagnosed with epilepsy by my neurologist. I have been on medication ever since. In my late 20s, the frequency of my seizures increased. It went from once a year to every six months, then every three months, and so on. The cost of frequent doctor visits became a financial burden for me.

I remember reaching out to Shepherds Hope, but unfortunately, they were unable to provide the help I needed. However, someone there mentioned Epilepsy Alliance Florida, suggesting that I give them a call. I contacted EAFLA, and after reviewing my case, they offered their services. It was an answer to my prayers. They provided me with neurological care and assistance in obtaining the expensive medication that was previously out of my reach. I have been with them for quite some time now. My previous case manager was amazing, and my current one is equally fantastic. Their services are excellent, and they are always available and attentive to my needs.

It seemed that my body had become accustomed to the medication I had been taking, leading to increased seizure activity. With the new medication, everything is now under control. However, I have also learned a lot during this journey about natural approaches to managing epilepsy. I have made significant lifestyle changes that I believe play a crucial role in my overall well-being. With God’s guidance, my goal is to gradually reduce and eventually discontinue the medication, always under the supervision of my doctor.

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